Friday, 14 February 2014


Idris Garzo,a practicing lawyer writes SL

It became somewhat a tradition in Nigeria to hear about political assassinations here and there. A lot of prominent Nigerians have been wasted on the alter of political greed, wickedness and selfishness. Great Nigerians like Harry Marshal, Bola Ige, Funso Williams, Kudirat  Abiola and her husband Chief M.K.O Abiola etc were hacked to death in the most unresolved murder and till date nothing whatsoever has been done to unravel the mysteries behind these senseless murders. 

It is very painful that Nigerians are complacent, docile and stoic to the extent that when bizarre things happen every body screams, cries and curses only to forget about it soon afterwards. This explains why tragedies have come to dwell in Nigeria. The recent plane crashes equally give credence to the forgoing assertion. Many Nigerians who would have added value to the Nigerian economy had their lives terminated prematurely owing to the negligence of airline operators. Our government rather than put adequate measures to check such trends went ahead to support their businesses thereby giving them more grounds to continue wasting innocent lives.

The National Human Rights Commission mandated to curb the malady of Fundamental Rights violations in Nigeria have finally come forward to address the issue of political killings ranging from the dark era of Military despotism till the current Democratic dispensation. This is a welcome development that should be sustained without fear or favour. We are not living in remote jungles where the strongest animals devour the weakest ones. In a civilized society like Nigeria (civilized because there are a lot of civilized people in our society), citizens should not be living under apprehension whilst we have security apparatus to protect lives and property. The Judiciary is equally there to ensure human beings don't behave like wild animals and start eating each other.

Finally, may we as citizens unite in ensuring a peaceful co-existence and shun greed and avarice attributable to political job-seeking. Politics should be for service and not a career or investment where Investors wrongfully expect a Return on Investment.   

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