Thursday 13 February 2014

The hypocrisy of Gay Antagonism in Nigeria

Ephraim Effiong Ndifreke , Public Affairs Analyst writes SL.

    My opinion is they are humans like everybody else. The only difference is they are sick. If we see them as sick people then we need not blow the issue out of proportion . The Anti-Gay legislation is absolutely unnecessary and unreasonable. You do not pass a law criminalizing sickness because it is not a crime to be sick. Gay is a mental health condition so debilitating that it should attract pity,love and care. The energy dissipated on gay antagonism should be channeled into Power sector reformation,job creation ,health system overhauling,revival of the economy in comatose,security and food provisions e.t.c.

The government should create opportunities for these sick Nigerians to get proper and adequate medical attention. Their minds ,which have been twisted should be reconfigured to enable them think normal thoughts ,have normal feelings for the opposite sex and become more productive to the economy. Government should stop all these hullabaloo and much ado about Gay and concentrate on rehabilitation of these mental patients just as they do psychopathic patients after all most of our leaders are sicker than they are.

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