Friday 21 February 2014

Comic Relief of the Day; Two Clowns in School Uniform makes the Education System better

I bet this is all it takes to make the Education system in their state better...just by sewing and wearing School Uniform.  

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Enugu State Government sends Congratulatory Message to Chiwetel Ejiofor ...(side eye)

Emmanuel Kenechukwu,a Practicing Lawyer from Enugu State writes SL

Enugu State Government recently placed a full page CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE, in the NATION NEWSPAPER to CHIWETEL EJIOFOR for winning the BEST ACTOR in BAFTA AWARD held last weekend in London.

Yes we know he is from Enugu State. What part of Enugu State is he from? When last did he visit Nigeria? Will the advertorial get to him or is it just for show? These are questions begging for answers. You cannot blame him if he identifies himself as a British , losing his father in such a state at the age of 11 is not a joke. It could be traumatic for such a young boy. The worst part is that his father died by accident due to bad road in Nigeria in 1988 and from that date till now, there isn't much improvement on the state of road in Nigeria.

 It takes some serious courage and bravery for someone who was born and has lived all his life to identify himself as a Nigerian outside the shores of the country not to talk of someone who had scarcely known Nigeria.

I wish the leaders of this country can understand how inferior they make our citizens look outside Nigeria. Nigerian citizens continue to prove they are a great people but all their efforts are drowned by the continued malfeasance of our political leaders. These monies spent on congratulatory messages could have been channeled to construction of more and better roads(lack of which lead to his father's death). It is a pity. 

The most debilitating fact is that the youths are so enmeshed in religious bigotry and ethnic sentimentality, that they cannot rise and wipe away the stinking smear purposefully imposed on their faces. I am not among those saying God save Nigeria. He has saved Nigeria from day one. If we mess ourselves up and not even ready to repent, calling God's name is blasphemous. Daalunu!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Governor Fashola of Lagos State signs No Smoking Bill into law

Smoking Man

Governor Fashola has signed the No Smoking in Public Places bill into law. It is now illegal to smoke in a car park, beer parlor,,nurseries or ant facility used for the care of Children in Lagos State. According to the law,people who smoke in public places will risk a 3 year Jail term. Owners of Establishments are mandated  must also put a "No Smoking" sign around their property or face 6 months Imprisonment or N100,000 fine.

Corporate Organisations that do not place the Non-smoking sign within its premises will be liable to N250,000 fine.

Anyone who smokes in the presence of a child will be liable to N15,000 or 1 month jail term.

What do you think, Should other states follow  the steps of Lagos State?

Saturday 15 February 2014

The Effect of Parental Child Abuse

This Image is not that of Emma

Little Emma is just three years old. At this age,what does a child know? Under the Law,he is a  "Dole Incapa" meaning one that is incapable of doing any wrong. He is a baby,an infant, one who's mind is "Tabular Rasa" as it were. How then can his parents hate him so much with a strange passion. They live behind my house and every  time i hear his mum scream "Emma come back here, idiot, animal, are you mad, do you want me to tear your eyes for you?". I equally hear strange sounds like someone is pounding something mercilessly which is usually followed by a loud, agonizing and painful cry. It turned out little Emma has just received severe beatings by his own mum. His dad on the other hand does not help matters as he equally relishes this sport. Often times i hear Emma's Dad yell "Emma go back inside before i hit you" which is usually equally followed by serious beatings and a loud cry. This goes on and on every day and neighbors keep wondering whether Emma is actually the son of the parents otherwise how could an innocent baby that age be so physically abused. This has become a dangerous trend pervading our society today.

Friday 14 February 2014


Idris Garzo,a practicing lawyer writes SL

It became somewhat a tradition in Nigeria to hear about political assassinations here and there. A lot of prominent Nigerians have been wasted on the alter of political greed, wickedness and selfishness. Great Nigerians like Harry Marshal, Bola Ige, Funso Williams, Kudirat  Abiola and her husband Chief M.K.O Abiola etc were hacked to death in the most unresolved murder and till date nothing whatsoever has been done to unravel the mysteries behind these senseless murders. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Nude Pictures Leakage; a violation of Rights to Privacy

The trend of broadcasting nude pictures of Friends or Lovers has become an issue worth deliberating on. It is wicked and unlawful for somebody to take undue advantage of privileged information or material. This can equally be actionable in the court of law,meaning that the offended party can go to court and enforce his/her right to privacy under CAP IV of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria(as amended).

Though incidences like these could be interpreted as Contributory Negligence. In other words the blame can be attributed to the victim. This usually happens where the victim innocently or intentionally sends his or her nude pictures to a lover or trusted friend. In this instance,the victim's right to commence a legal action is limited. The import of this is that if one does not send his or her nude pictures to another person there is no way that nude picture can be broadcast to the general public. So this trend can stop by people being mindful of how they allow others access their private pictures.   

However,the act of taking nude pictures of someone when the person is completely unaware and broadcasting same is both illegal and criminal and can incur serious Litigation against the offending party as it is both a Constitutional wrong and a Tortious liability offence . 

People who engage in this form of absurdity are perverted ,wicked and unreasonable. It is the height of immorality for people to publicize such private pictures which are bad for public consumption. With the easy accessibility of and traffic on social media by all including children such pictures can only amount to DANGER.
The Government should legislate further on this very disturbing development with the aim of criminalizing it as this is the only way it can be totally eradicated.  

The hypocrisy of Gay Antagonism in Nigeria

Ephraim Effiong Ndifreke , Public Affairs Analyst writes SL.

    My opinion is they are humans like everybody else. The only difference is they are sick. If we see them as sick people then we need not blow the issue out of proportion . The Anti-Gay legislation is absolutely unnecessary and unreasonable. You do not pass a law criminalizing sickness because it is not a crime to be sick. Gay is a mental health condition so debilitating that it should attract pity,love and care. The energy dissipated on gay antagonism should be channeled into Power sector reformation,job creation ,health system overhauling,revival of the economy in comatose,security and food provisions e.t.c.

The government should create opportunities for these sick Nigerians to get proper and adequate medical attention. Their minds ,which have been twisted should be reconfigured to enable them think normal thoughts ,have normal feelings for the opposite sex and become more productive to the economy. Government should stop all these hullabaloo and much ado about Gay and concentrate on rehabilitation of these mental patients just as they do psychopathic patients after all most of our leaders are sicker than they are.

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